
A fresh approach to all your accounting needs.

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I am here to help & take the stress out of accounting.

With over 10 years experience, Diamond Innovation Accounting was created from the desire to make life simpler. Starting, running and growing a business comes with its own struggles, Accounting does not need to be one of them.

With the right support and technology important accounting tasks can be one less struggle for small business owners everywhere.


Our Services

Our range of services includes a full suite of accounting services such as, taxation, business performance reviews, structuring and asset protection, self managed superannuation, estate planning.

Our innovative solutions can help your business progress past the days of spending hours on your book work and help your business reach its full potential.

Want to know how we can help?

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Specialising in small to medium businesses, we are here to help you navigate through the daunting accounting rules and regulations that are continually changing.

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Every decision you make regarding your super is important to your financial future. We can help protect and maximise your superannuation’s potential, providing you with the lifestyle you deserve.

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We can help identify strategies to make a significant difference to your overall wealth, because your tax plans should not just be about minimising tax but also maximising your financial future.

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Cash flow is the bread and butter of small businesses, we all know there are more days in the month than money in the bank. We are here to help plan for your businesses future whilst taking the unknown out of the present.

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We understand no two businesses are the same, we listen to the way you run your business, and how confident you are with the bookkeeping process already. Recommending the most successful way forward!


Book in now and let’s talk!